• 3 Sept ‘24: Congratulations to Dr. Ben Newman for his successful thesis defense on “Assistive value alignment using in-situ naturalistic human behaviors”!

  • 15 Aug ‘24: Congratulations to Dr. Abhijat Biswas for his successful thesis defense on “Eye Gaze for Intelligent Driving”!

  • 14 Aug ‘24: Congratulations to Dr. Ada Taylor for her successful thesis defense on “Goal-Expressive Movement for Social Navigation: Where and When to Behave Legibly”!

  • 1 Aug ‘24: Pranay successfully defended his Master’s Thesis on ‘Estimating Object Importance and Modeling Driver’s Situational Awareness for Intelligent Driving’! Congratulations!

  • 25 June ‘24: Congrats to Michelle for completing her thesis proposal on ‘Aligning Robot Task and Interaction Policies to Human Values’!

  • 27 Nov ‘23: Pat successfully defended his Master’s Thesis on ‘Exploring Diverse Interaction Types for Human in the Loop Robot Learning’! Congratulations!

  • 4 Oct ‘23: Prof Admoni was featured as one of 15 technologists in Pittsburgh on Technical.ly’s RealLIST Engineers 2023 list.

  • 2 Oct ‘23: Congrats to Nyomi Morris for best poster presentation at the RL-CONFORM workshop at IROS!

  • 1 Sept ‘23: Congratulations to Dr. Pallavi Koppol for her successful thesis defense on “Interactive Machine Learning from Humans: Knowledge Sharing via Mutual Feedback”!

  • 29 Jul ‘23: Mike presented his poster on “Closed-loop Reasoning about Counterfactuals to Improve Policy Transparency” at the ICML Workshop on Counterfactuals in Minds and Machines in Honolulu, Hawaii!

  • Jul 29 ‘23: Abhijat gave a talk on his work “Characterizing drivers’ peripheral vision for intelligent driving assistance” at CogSci 2023 in Sydney, Australia!

  • 10 July ‘23: Congrats to Stephanie Valencia-Valencia for her successful thesis defense on “Agency in Augmentative and Alternative Communication”!

  • 7 June ‘23: Abhijat presented his paper “Characterizing drivers’ peripheral vision via the functional field of view for intelligent driving assistance” at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2023 in Anchorage, Alaska! PDF is available here

  • 15 May ‘23: Gustavo Silvera had one of the top final projects in the Physics-based rendering class at CMU this year, winning a fully funded trip to SIGGRAPH 2023! Check it out here!

  • 28 Apr ‘23: Maggie Collier gave her speaking qualifier on “Observing Assistance Preferences via User-controlled Arbitration in Shared Control.” Congratulations, great work Maggie!

  • 24 Apr ‘23: Congratulations to Zulekha Karachiwalla for winning a CMU Center for Machine Learning and Health Fellowship in Digital Health Innovation!

  • 31 Mar ‘23: Congratulations to Abhijat Biswas for completing his PhD thesis proposal on Eye Gaze for Intelligent Driving!

  • 23 Mar ‘23: Congratulations to Michelle Zhao on her speaking qualifier talk about ‘Examining the Role of Adaptation in Human-Robot Collaboration.’ Great work Michelle!

  • 14 Mar ‘23: Professor Admoni was a speaker at HRI’s Advancing HRI Research and Benchmarking Through Open-Source Ecosystems workshop, discussing developing datasets and benchmarks for social navigation. She also gave a keynote talk at the Human Interactive Robot Learning workshop, titled ‘Robot Learning as a Joint Human-Robot Interaction.’

  • 23 Jan ‘23: Welcome to new postdoc in our lab Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman!

  • 15 Dec ‘22: Abhijat’s paper Mitigating Causal Confusion in Driving Agents via Gaze Supervision won the best paper award at the CoRL 22 workshop on Aligning Robot representations with Humans!

  • 2 Dec ‘22: Abhijat was one of the organizers of the NeurIPS 22 workshop: All Things Attention: Bridging Different Perspectives on Attention!

  • 22 Nov ‘22: Check out Professor Admoni’s interview with WIRED, answering questions about robotics!

  • 14 Nov ‘22: Michelle’s article The Role of Adaptation in Collective Human-AI Teaming in Topics in Cognitive Science is up online!

  • 26 Oct ‘22: Mike presented his work on Reasoning about Counterfactuals to Improve Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning at IROS 2022 in Kyoto!

  • 15 Sept ‘22: Professor Admoni participated in a panel discussion on AI for Good, hosted by the International Telecommunications Union. You can watch a video of it here.

  • 30 June ‘22: Mike’s paper “Reasoning about Counterfactuals to Improve Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning” was accepted to IROS! You can find a preprint of the paper here on arXiv.

  • 28 June ‘22: Reuben presented his paper “Gaze Complements Control Input for Goal Prediction During Assisted Teleoperation” at the RSS conference in New York City.

  • 28 June ‘22: Professor Admoni was selected to give an Early Career Spotlight talk at Robotics: Science and Systems, a top international conference on robotics.

  • 10 June ‘22: Abhijat was awarded the Link Foundation Fellowship in Modeling, Simulation, and Training!

  • 31 May ‘22: Congratulations to Dr. Reuben Aronson on his successful Ph.D. thesis defense on “Control Input and Natural Gaze for Goal Prediction in Shared Control”! We’ll miss you Reuben!

  • 28 May ‘22: Abhijat co-organized the workshop ‘Social Navigation: Advances and Evaluation’ with collaborators at CMU’s TBD lab and Yale’s IMG lab in conjunction with ICRA 2022! The talk recordings and papers can be found on the website.

  • 22 May ‘22: Congratulations to Tesca Fitzgerald, who will be joining Yale CS as an Assistant Professor this fall!

  • 21 May ‘22: Check out an interview with Professor Admoni on letting robots be robots!

  • 12 May ‘22: Ada Taylor’s gave her thesis proposal talk on “Audience-Aware Legibility for Social Navigation” today! Congratulations!

  • 9 May ‘22: Congratulations to Pallavi Koppol for her successful thesis proposal! We enjoyed learning about “Interactive Learning of Individual Human Preferences”!

  • 5 May ‘22: Mike Lee has completed his thesis proposal on “Teaching Agent Reward Functions via Demonstrations for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning.” Great work Mike!

  • 2 May ‘22: Check out this Meeting of the Minds article on Gustavo and Abhijat’s work in the HARP lab!

  • 14 Apr ‘22: HARP students attented the AI CARING student symposium!

  • 6 Apr ‘22: This year’s winner of the 2022 Graduate Student Service Award is a group of Ph.D. students responsible for the creation of CS-JEDI: Justice Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (15-996), which includes our own Pallavi Koppol!

  • 22 Mar ‘22: Congratulations to Michelle Zhao for winning the NDSEG Fellowship!

  • 11 Mar ‘22: A robot that gives you candy without you even asking for it? 🤖🍬 It’s real and it’s one of many fascinating creations at our lab, covered by this article by Ground Truth.

  • 8 Mar ‘22: Check out DReyeVR in Abhijat’s talk at HRI 2022!

  • 3 Mar ‘22: Want to do human-in-the-loop experiments with intelligent vehicles? We have the perfect simulator for you: DReyeVR extends CARLA simulator for behavioral & interaction research, allowing you to script interesting on road events as well as record, replay, and analyze them easily.

  • 28 Feb ‘22: Mike presented his paper on “Counterfactual Examples for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning” at the Workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence at AAAI 2022!

  • 7 Feb ‘22: Ben and Reuben’s review and formalization of assistive robotics: Helping People Through Space and Time: Assistance as a Perspective on Human-Robot Interaction has published in the Rising Stars in Human Robot Interaction special issue of Frontiers in Robotics and AI!

  • 4 Feb ‘22: Ben and Reuben’s dataset paper, HARMONIC, has been accepted and published in an online issue of IJRR! Check it out here.

  • 16 Nov ‘21: Check out this article Professor Admoni contributed to on the challenges awaiting the next generation of home robots!

  • 05 Nov ‘21: Check out Professor Admoni’s insights on social robots in this episode of “Top 10 Emerging Technologies”, a show from the World Economic Forum!

  • Oct 25 ‘21: Big congrats to Stephanie Valencia for winning Best Student Paper at ASSETS! You can watch her talk here.

  • 12 Oct ‘21: Congratulations to Professor Admoni for being listed as one of 50 Women in Robotics You Need to Know About for 2021! We’re all definitely glad to know her!

  • 07 Oct ‘21: Professor Admoni gave a talk on “Responsibility Creating Human-Robot Interactions” with PittCyber’s Forbes Corridor Colloquia!

  • 06 Aug ‘21: Congrats to Stephanie Valencia for having her ASSETS ’21 paper nominated for a Best Paper/Student Paper award!

  • 02 Aug ‘21: CMU is part of a new NSF AI Institute, led by Georgia Tech, called AI-CARING! It focuses on AI for caregiving, looking at how to help patients, caregivers, and clinicians coordinate and manage heathcare.

  • 05 July ‘21: Reuben and Nadia’s paper “Inferring Goals with Gaze during Teleoperated Manipulation” was accepted to IROS!

  • 30 Jun ‘21: Mike’s paper on “Machine Teaching for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning” was accepted and published in the Frontiers in Robotics and AI Journal! Congratulations Mike!

  • 03 June ‘21: Prof Admoni spoke at the “Learning for Caregiving Workshop” at ICRA 2021. Her talk was about how nonverbal behaviors can be used to enable better robot assistance!

  • 13 May ‘21: Professor Admoni and seven other recipients of Career Development Chairs were honored at a Zoom celebration on May 6!

  • 29 April ‘21: Pallavi and Tesca Fitzgerald’s joint work with collaborators at UT Austin on “Understanding the Relationship between Interactions and Outcomes in Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning” was also accepted to IJCAI 2021 Survey Track!

  • 29 April ‘21: Pallavi Koppol’s paper on “Interaction Considerations in Learning from Humans” was accepted to IJCAI 2021!

  • 20 April ‘21: George Yu’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) proposal titled “Determining the Dynamics of the Functional Field of View During Driving” was accepted and George will be joining HARPlab for summer research! Congratulations George!

  • 5 April ‘21: Congratulations to Pallavi Koppol for her Speaking Qualifier talk on “Learning with People”!

  • 1 Feb ‘21: Michelle’s paper on “Adapting Language Complexity for AI-Based Assistance” was accepted to Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction workshop at HRI 2021!

  • 31 Jan ‘21: Mike’s paper on “Robot Teaching for Human Inverse Reinforcement Learning” was accepted to the Robots for Learning workshop at HRI 2021!

  • 19 Jan ‘21: Prof Admoni gave an invited talk at the Digital Futures Fly-high fika seminar. Digital Futures is a cross-disciplinary research center in Sweden that explores digital technologies.

  • 11 Jan ‘21: Our paper “Co-designing Socially Assistive Sidekicks for Motion-based AAC” was accepted to HRI 2021!!

  • 7 Jan ‘21: Ada’s work on “The Effect of Multiple Audience Perspectives on Path Legibility” was accepted to the Workshop on AIxFood at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020!

  • 19 Nov ‘20: Our joint work with our collaborators at UMass Lowell on “Building The Foundation of Robot Explanation Generation Using Behavior Trees” has been accepted to THRI!

  • 5 Nov ‘20: Ada’s paper on “Diminished Reality for Close Quarters Robotic Telemanipulation” and Sarthak’s paper on “Learning Vision-Based Physics Intuition Models for Non-Disruptive Object Extraction” are being presented now at IROS On-Demand 2020!

  • 21 Oct ‘20: Congratulations to Henny Admoni, for receiving the A. Nico Habermann Career Development Professorship in Computer Science!

  • 14 Oct ‘20: Welcome to our new PhD student in the HARP Lab, Michelle Zhao! We are so excited to have you join us!

  • 10 Sept ‘20: Big congrats to Sarthak Ahuja whose IROS paper is a finalist for the Best Student Paper Award!

  • 01 Sept ‘20: Dr. Admoni is co-PI on a new NSF NRI project investigating how arrays of delta robots could be used for human-aware dexterous manipulation. The project is led by Dr. Zeynep Temel and also includes Dr. Oliver Kroemer and Dr. Matthew Mason. More here.

  • 17 Aug ‘20: Thanks to our fabulous RISS students: Ellie Mamantov, Nadia AlMutlak, and Kathleen Medill! Check out their final presentations here.

  • 13 Aug ‘20: Ben and Abhijat’s paper “Examining the Effects of Anticipatory Robot Assistance on Human Decision Making” is accepted at ICSR 2020.

  • 28 July ‘20: Sarthak has successfully defended his Master’s thesis on “Visual Assessment for Non-Disruptive Object Extraction”. Congratulations!

  • 1 July ‘20: Pallavi’s paper on “Iterative Interactive Reward Learning” has been accepted at the Participatory Approaches to Machine Learning Workshop at ICML 2020! Congratulations Pallavi! Check out her paper on our publications page.

  • 30 June ‘20: Ada’s paper on “Diminished Reality for Close Quarters Robotic Telemanipulation” and Sarthak’s paper on “Learning Vision-Based Physics Intuition Models for Non-Disruptive Object Extraction” have been accepted for presentation at IROS 2020! Congratulations to Ada, Sarthak and all the co-authors!

  • 26 June ‘20: Prof Admoni has been awarded a 2020 Okawa Foundation Research Grant. The Okawa Foundation for Information and Telecommunications, a non-profit organization from Japan, gives awards to excellent individuals from major U.S. universities to support their prospective research projects.

  • 21 June ‘20: Meghna Behari is joining HARP lab for the summer, visiting from the North Allegheny School District! Welcome, Meghna!

  • 31 May ‘20: Welcome to Kathleen Medill, Ellie Mamantov, and Nadia AlMutlak, who are joining us this summer through the RI Summer Scholars program! Relatedly, welcome to CMU undergrads who are joining us for the summer - Samuel Leong, Karen Zhang, Vignesh Rajmohan and Gustavo Silvera!

  • 17 May ‘20: Minji has successfully completed her honor bachelor’s senior thesis on “Detecting the End of Speaking Turns to Enhance Social Robot’s Participation in Group Conversation”. After working this upcoming summer in the lab, she is heading to Waymo in Mountain View, California. Congratulations!

  • 6 May ‘20: Yaxin has successfully defended her Master’s thesis on “Children’s Exploration with Social Robots in Art Making.” Congratulations!

  • 5 May ‘20: Tesca has successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis on “Human-guided Task Transfer in Interactive Robots.” Congratulations!

  • 23 April ‘20: Pallavi gave a lightning talk about her ongoing research on human-centered interactive learning at the CMU Symposium on AI & Social Good. Check it out here!

  • 2 April ‘20: Professor Admoni has been awarded an NSF CAREER grant to study how intelligent robots can provide proactive assistance based on human behavior and context! Congratulations!

  • 1 April ‘20: Welcome to our new Postdoc, Tesca Fitzgerald! Tesca will be affiliated with HARP Lab as well as Reid Simmons and Aaron Steinfeld’s groups as part of the ONR MURI project on AI self-assessment. We are excited to have you join us!

  • 6 March ‘20: Stephanie’s CHI paper, “Conversational Agency in Augmentative and Alternative Communication”, has received an Honorable Mention award! This is given to at most 5% of CHI papers. Congrats Stephanie and all the co-authors!

  • 18 Feb ‘20: Reuben has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis proposal on “Eye Gaze for Assistive Manipulation”. Congratulations!

  • 12 Feb ‘20: Professor Admoni spoke at CMU Alumni Association event on “The Science and Technology of Healing.”

  • 12 Feb ‘20: Reuben will be presenting his Ph.D. thesis proposal on “Eye Gaze for Assistive Manipulation” on February 18th! Find out more details here.

  • 31 Jan ‘20: Prof Admoni gave a lecture about the lab’s research at the Human Computer Interaction Institute Seminar at CMU.

  • 28 Jan ‘20: Farewell to visiting student Juan Pablo Vasconez from Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. All the best for your future work!

  • 23 Jan ‘20: Professor Admoni was invited to give multiple talks on how cognitive psychology, machine learning and robotics are colliding to develop the next generation of collaborative robots at the World Economic Forum 2020. Checkout her talk on “The Future of Human-Robot Interaction” here!

  • 15 Jan ‘20: Reuben’s HRI Pioneers workshop paper titled “Eye Gaze for Assistive Manipulation” is now available. Check it out here!

  • 14 Jan ‘20: Ben is completing an internship at Facebook Reality Labs in Redmond, WA this semester!

  • 14 Jan ‘20: Professor Admoni gave the ARCS Foundation 2020 Winter Lecture on her research in assistive and collaborative robotics.

  • 9 Jan ‘20: Professor Admoni gave a lecture at the Computer Science Colloquium at BYU. Her talk was titled “Understanding Human Behavior for Robotic Assistance and Collaboration.”

  • 8 Jan ‘20: Check out Stephanie’s CHI 2020 paper titled “Conversational Agency in Augmentative and Alternative Communication” on our publications page!

  • 20 Dec ‘19: Reuben was accepted to the HRI Pioneers workshop!

  • 9 Dec ‘19: Our paper led by Stephanie “Conversational Agency in Augmentative and Alternative Communication” has been accepted for presentation at CHI 2020!

  • 6 Dec ‘19: Professor Admoni gave the Robotics Colloquium talk at the University of Washington.

  • 28 Nov ‘19: It’s Happening Here at the HARP lab!

  • 22 Oct ‘19: Prof Admoni gave a talk outlining the research challenges of HRI as part of a Robotics Roadmapping Meeting held at UMass Lowell on November 15 and 16. The goal of the meeting is to update the US National Robotics Roadmap for 2020. Find out more here

  • 25 Oct ‘19: The lab hosted a project team as part of the OurCS 2019 workshop for undergrad women in CS! Stephanie Valencia, Yaxin Hu are leading a project, with help from Minji Kim and Henny Admoni, on “Developing Robot Behaviors for Social Communication Support.”

  • 24 Oct ‘19: New DARPA project at Carnegie Mellon explores team collective intelligence - when the team consists of several people and AI. Learn more here

  • 22 Oct ‘19: Welcome to our new PhD students, Abhijat Biwas & Maggie Collier! We are excited to have you join us!

  • 11 Oct ‘19: Abhijat, Mike, Pallavi, Maggie, and Sarthak are looking forward to discussing their current work at the Northeast Robotics Colloquium this weekend in Philadelphia!

  • 09 Oct ‘19: Goodbye to visiting student Ayaka Matsumoto from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology! Thanks for all your hard work with us this summer!

  • 25 Sept ‘19: Henny was quoted in an article by the Verge on Boston Dynamics robot dog Spot and the challenges of human and robot interaction.

  • 14 August ‘19: Nadia AlMutlak presented on her project “Incorporating Eye Gaze Into Shared Autonomy for Assistive Robots” at the Robotics Institute Summer Scholars Research Showcase! Read more here and enjoy the poster here!

  • 01 August ‘19: Students working on the robot self-assessment project (Pallavi Koppol, Sarthak Ahuja, and Michael Lee) traveled to UMass Lowell Nerve Center to integrate their research with collaborating universities (UMass Lowell, Tufts, and Brigham Young)!

  • 24 July ‘19: Abhijat Biswas has now successfully completed his MSR thesis presentation: “Human Torso Pose Forecasting for the Real World.” Congratulations!

  • 01 July ‘19: Ayaka Matsumoto is joining HARP lab for the summer, visiting from Interactive Media Design Laboratory at the NARA Institute of Science and Technology! Welcome, Ayaka!

  • 01 July ‘19: In addition to her primary appointment in the Robotics Institute, Professor Admoni has received a courtesy appointment to the Human Computer Interaction Institute in the School of Computer Science at CMU.

  • 26 June ‘19: Reuben Aronson presented his work on Semantic gaze labeling for human-robot shared manipulation at ETRA!

  • 08 June ‘19: Students Nadia AlMutlak and Yaxin Hu joined the lab through Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) program. Welcome, Nadia and Yaxin!

  • 11 June ‘19: Professor Admoni spoke at the EmTech Next Conference at MIT. Her talk, titled “Understanding Human Behavior for Better Human-Robot Collaboration,” is available online.

  • 02 June ‘19: Henny and Illah Nourbakhsh were invited to lead a panel discussion on “When Robots Become Our Companions: Facts, Fictions, and Uncomfortable Truths” at the Pittsburgh Public Theater!

  • 01 June ‘19: HARP lab now has a Twitter! You can find us here!

  • 29 May ‘19: HARP lab demonstrated our research to UNITE HERE!, one of the largest unions serving the hospitality industry. We discussed “The Future of Work” and our approaches to collaborative interaction between humans and robots.

  • 16 May ‘19: Professor Admoni spoke on a panel about “The Future of AI & Robotics” at the second annual AI & Robotics Venture Fair hosted by CMU and Innovation Works.

  • 11 May ‘19: A paper that Stephanie helped author got best paper at CHI 2019. “Occupational Therapy is Making”: Design Iteration and Digital Fabrication in Occupational Therapy.”

  • 02 May ‘19: Ben had a paper accepted at the CHI 2019 Workshop on Hacking Blind Navigation: “In-Sight: Tension-Based Haptic Feedback to Improve Navigation for People who are Blind”.

  • 02 May ‘19: HARP Lab demonstrated our research for JP Morgan architects looking for inspiration and better understanding of the workplaces of the future.

  • 01 May ‘19: Stephanie presented her work on “An Approach to Last Meter Problem: Designing and Deploying Low-Cost, Custom Fabricated Interactive Tactile Tiles for Navigation and Spatial Awareness” at the CHI 2019 Workshop on Hacking Blind Navigation.

  • 30 Apr ‘19: Members of the new RI Artificial Intelligence course visited HARP Lab to get an overview of HRI and our research here!

  • 25 Apr ‘19: We got to introduce kids and families to our robots at the RI ‘Take Our Kids To Work Day’!

  • 12 Apr ‘19: HARP Lab showcased our new demo during CMU’s National Robotics Week.

  • 29 Apr ‘19: Ada Taylor was awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship in the field of Robotics and Computer Vision!

  • 07 Mar ‘19: Sony Computer Science Laboratory’s president and CEO Hiroaki Kitano and VP/Senior Chief Researcher of Sony’s AI and Collaboration Office Masahiro Fujita visited the lab and discussed current projects they are sponsoring.

  • 11 Mar ‘19: Mike Lee presented his work titled “Calibration of Trust through Robot Self-Confidence” at the 2019 HRI Pioneers workshop.

  • 07 Mar ‘19: Reuben’s paper “Semantic Gaze Labeling for Human-Robot Shared Manipulation” has been selected for presentation at ETRA ‘19!

  • 01 Mar ‘19: Calvin presented his research work on “Imitation Learning for Assistive Control” at MechE’s annual Graduate Research Symposium.

  • 31 Jan ‘19: Michael Huang received an undergraduate research award, the Semiconductor Research Corporation-URO. Congrats Michael!

  • 31 Jan ‘19: We have a few new lab members! Welcome Michael (sophomore), Siddharth (sophomore), Roman (senior), and Calvin (MS MechE).

  • 9 Jan ‘19: HARPLab did a demo at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center for the Professional Convention Management Association’s (PCMA) annual Convening Leaders conference.

  • 21 Dec ‘18: Mike Lee was selected for HRI Pioneers 2019. Congrats Mike!

  • 18 Dec ‘18: Prof. Admoni spent a week traveling around China with representatives from CMU’s Girls of Steel FIRST Robotics Club. The group visited universities and high schools in Beijing, Wuhan, and Suzhou to talk about the Girls of Steel and the CMU Robotics Institute.

  • 12 Nov ‘18: Prof. Admoni served as a panelist at the 2018 reThink Food Conference held by the Culinary Institute of America and shared her views on Robotics and Machine Learning- Less Labor and More Creativity from Field to Fork.

  • 24 Oct ‘18: Stephanie presented her work in Colombia as a Geek Girls LatAm ambassador to support women doing robotics for education, AI, and HCI!

  • 22 Oct ‘18: HARP Lab grew by a few this fall as we welcomed new graduate students - Ada Taylor (PhD RI), Mike Lee (PhD RI), Pallavi Koppol (PhD CSD), and Sarthak Ahuja (MS RI)!

  • 9 Oct ‘18: HARPLab gave a demo for members of the AFL-CIO during their visit to CMU’s Block Center for Technology and Society.

  • 8 Oct ‘18: HARPLab spread the love of STEM by sharing a demo with visiting middle schoolers as part of CMU’s TechNights initiative.

  • 5 Oct ‘18: HARPLab gave a demo to members of the Goldenway Education Foundation Ltd. during their campus visit.

  • 14 Sept ‘18: Prof. Admoni participated in the "Designing Intelligence: Shaping AI and Society" panel as part of the Grand Opening of Tepper Quad, where she discussed the future of artificial intelligence. A recording can be found here.

  • 20 Aug ‘18: Welcome to the incoming RI grad student class!

  • 16 Aug ‘18: Sad to say goodbye to our summer intern, Maggie Collier!

  • 9 Aug ‘18: Maggie presented her work entitled Eyegaze Behavior during Telemanipulation of a Multi stage task at the RISS poster session.

  • 2 Aug ‘18: The latest version of the HARMONIC Dataset, a large multi-modal dataset of human interactions in a shared autonomy setting, is now available.

  • 2 Aug ‘18: Travers Rhodes and Alexandre Candeias worked with our MICO robot over the summer and had a paper accepted to the "Sixth International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics," a workshop at ECCV 2018.

  • 30 Jun ‘18: Prof. Admoni gave a talk entitled Understanding Natural human Behavior with Assistive Robots at the "Robot Mediated autism Intervention" workshop at RSS 2018.

  • 29 Jun ‘18: Prof. Admoni gave a talk entitled Natural Human Behaviors for Theory of Mind at the "Towards a framework for Joint Action" workshop at RSS 2018.

  • 29 Jun ‘18: Reuben presented over his work Gaze for Error Detection During Human-Robot Shared Manipulation at the "Towards a framework for Joint Action" workshop at RSS 2018. Check it out on the publications page.

  • 29 Jun ‘18: Abhijat presented over his work Human Torso Pose Forecasting in the Real World at the "Multimodal Perception and Control" workshop at RSS 2018. Check it out on the publications page.

  • 28 Jun ‘18: HARPLab invited interested researchers at RSS for a Lab Tour.

  • 27 Jun ‘18: Check out the HARMONIC Dataset that we have just released!

  • 27 Jun ‘18: In town for RSS? Come visit HARP Lab during the lab tours this evening!

  • 22 Jun ‘18: Prof. Admoni was quoted in a Washington Post article about robot baristas!

  • 14 Jun ‘18: Abhijat has a paper accepted at the “Multimodal Perception and Control” workshop at RSS 2018! Take a look at a pre-print on the publications page.

  • 7 Jun ‘18: Reading group restarts for the summer.

  • 1 Jun ‘18: Maggie Collier, RI summer scholar, is our newest visiting lab member!

  • 25 May ‘18: Prof. Admoni was on Science Friday talking about our research and the future of human-robot interaction, more broadly! Take a listen here.

  • 20 May ‘18: Reuben has a paper accepted to the “Towards a framework for Joint Action” workshop. A pre-print is on the Publications page!

  • 15 May ‘18: HARPLab is part of a collaborative multi-university project (MURI) to study self-assessment in robots together with other researchers at Brigham Young University, CMU, Tufts University, and the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

  • 14 May ‘18: Ben gave a demo to science fair winning middle school students from the Broadcom MASTERS program.

  • 9 May ‘18: Prof. Admoni spoke to middle school students from Infinity Charter Schools about human-robot interaction. Abhijat and Ben gave robot demos to the students, as well.

  • 8 May ‘18: HARPLab went out to dinner at Mad Mex to celebrate the MRSD teams final presentation and the end of the semester.

  • 7 May ‘18: The MRSD team: I-Chen, Jiahong, Karsh, Ting-Che, and Yang-Yang presented their Assistive Intent Recognition project poster for Spring validation!

  • 5 Mar ‘18: Reuben presented his work on eye-hand coordination for assistive manipulation, at HRI 2018!

  • Fall ‘17: The lab now has a website!